Name Trains
Name Train in Primary Colors - $6.95 per letter
$0.00 -
Name Train in Pastel Colors - $6.95 per letter
$0.00 -
Name Train Natural - $6.50 per letter
$0.00 -
Number Train
Featured on the Today Show
We have been with you for over 10 years, to the point where new mommies are actually REQUESTING your stools from us! How wonderful to see how your little origin
LeslieWe first encountered your work when our grandchildren were given puzzle stools as newborn gifts. They have grown up with them and love them. We do to and are
DavidI just placed an order for my twin grandchildren who will be one soon. My girl's, ages 17 & 19 both have one of your stools that were given to them as babies. W
SusieThank you for sending the confirmation. I have been ordering Damhorst name puzzles since 1976 or 1977 and the child to whom I sent the first one is now 28!! We