Name Trains
Name Train in Primary Colors - $6.95 per letter
$0.00 -
Name Train in Pastel Colors - $6.95 per letter
$0.00 -
Name Train Natural - $6.50 per letter
$0.00 -
Number Train
Featured on the Today Show
My own children have them, and we have been very pleased. One child is 12 the other 9, and they are still in use. We do remember you business for special events
EileenEver since we received a puzzle of yours as a gift for our new born son (now 17 years old), we have been ordering puzzles to give as gifts. As long as you keep
RussThank you. I love your products and my gift to any new babies in the family or with friends, I send a Damhorst Puzzle Stool. Everyone loves the gift.
JoyceThank you for maintaining the highest quality craftsmanship. This is our second bench in a couple of months. Our "Seamus" bench was the hit of the day.