Two Step Name Puzzle Stool
Two Step Name Puzzle Stool in Primary Colors
$179.95 -
Two Step Name Puzzle Stool in Pastel Colors
$179.95 -
Primary Flip Top Two Step Name Puzzle Stool
$189.95 -
Pastel Flip Top Two Step Name Puzzle Stool
Featured on the Today Show
This is for my youngest grandchild, I now have 4, and they all have their name stool. So do their parents, my daughter and son! Their stools are now approx. 25
RobinI can't believe I am purchasing stools for the second generations. I still have the original label from my daughter that I have kept for the past 20 plus years
AlynWe received a Damhorst stool as a gift when my 4th son was born and it is the nicest and sturdiest stool we have. They have all enjoyed taking the letters in an
SueMy older son received one of these from a family friend and loves it. It is beautiful and durable so I wanted to get one for his brother too.